- Gaon Consolidated Notice GaonWiki/Community
Other than remodeling main pages
Did you feel something different when you see the wiki's main page?
You can check it more intuitively than before when there were many letters.
main page had only text.
It was changed easily at a glance.
That work ready on Gaonwiki Beta Site.
I will try to an inconvenience to improvement.
And I am upgrade Liberty Skin.
It support VisualEditor where can see in git commit.
I will check, because wiki does not install VisualEditor.
There was an error this upgrade.
There's a sign on the bottom right.
The conditions for the bug ar
* 21 February Download Liberty Skin
* PC version only (does not appear when accessing PC mode on mobile)
* Whale Browser Version.
I ask for your understanding, and I would appreciate it if you always let me know if you have any questions or improvements!